High Roller Group is an operational holding company that manages and provides venture capital to investments across multiple industry segments, with a primary focus concentrated toward energy, infrastructure, or industrial end markets. The company focuses on investing in high growth opportunities and generally partners with other owners or management to execute a given strategy.


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Nexgen, a division of Harmac Energy, is located in Haynesville, TX. Nexgen also performs all aspects of pipeline and facility construction from clearing locations or right-of-ways (ROW) to testing and final cleanup.


Dustin Bailey

Chief Executive Officer

Ryan Mackey


Luke Garrett

Chief Operating Officer

Jake Bender

Chief Financial Officer


“The High Roller Group is the type of partner that one can only dream about.

Honesty, integrity and most importantly, the family values of hard work and trust

make it an honor and privilege for me to be a part of this team.”


High Roller Sand


High Roller Group has an amazing group of investments. Things are changing on a daily basis.

New investments are joining our group. The news events here will keep you abreast of the latest news from High Roller Group.

AFP First Load Goes to McCoy’s Building Supply

          FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Texas-based Companies Jointly Celebrate First Shipment of Lumber Lufkin, Texas – Two privately held Texas-based companies, Angelina Forest Products (AFP), Lufkin, Texas and McCoy’s Building Supply, San Marcos, Texas celebrate the initial production of southern yellow pine dimension lumber from AFP’s new Angelina County top europese casinobestemmingen…

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Hot Takes On Frac Sand’s Sustainability Struggle

Dave Frattaroli , Executive Vice President of Business Development at High Roller Sand, has over 30 years of experience  in Global Industrial Minerals markets. He is greatly respected for his knowledge and dedication to the industry and his clients. Infill Thinking recently tapped into Dave’s perspective on the current hydraulic fracturing sand-market trends. He spoke…

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Angelina Forest Products Cutting Edge

Angelina Forest Products is utilizing cutting edge technology to provide, a safe working environment for our team members, unparalleled quality of product for our customers, and the highest efficiency available of our natural resources. The following images are just a small sample of our team’s progress. Pride in Process Excellence and Precise Execution!  Visit Angelina…

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“etkinlikler Sport Madaniyat

“etkinlikler Sport Madaniyati Spor Sonuçları Sport Yozuvchisi Content Spor Takımlarını Yönetmek Için Stratejiler: Üst Düzey Yöneticilerden Bir Ustalık Sınıfı Spor Modasının Evrimi: Geçmişten Günümüze Spor Empieza Sosyal İlişkiler: Sporun Toplumsal Bağları Nasıl Güçlendirdiği Akıllı Çiftlikler: Nesnelerin Interneti Teknolojisi Tarım Endüstrisini Nasıl Dönüştürüyor? Spor Etiği Örnekleri: Kurallara Uymanın Önemi Spor Mirası: Geçmişten Günümüze Sporun Etkileri “sporun…

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The Final Push

Pride in Process Excellence and Precise Execution! We have unmatched quality, excellence in build quality and a team being developed that is excited to be a part of an organization that appreciates involvement and values success.

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