


High Roller Group generally does not utilize any outside capital or institutional limited partners in its investments, allowing for significant flexibility in structure and investment time horizons than traditional equity firms. While High Roller Group partners and invests in a variety of different types of companies, we generally look for businesses that meet the following criteria:

Types of Investments

  • Equity investment size typically $1,000,000 to $25,000,000
  • HRG generally takes control equity positions, but will also consider minority equity stakes
  • Prefer to organically start and build businesses with Seed or Series A capital, but will fund acquisitions if there is industry logic
  • Will selectively consider other structured investments including credit or mezzanine financing


Industry agnostic, but prefer to invest in differentiated growth opportunities in traditional industry verticals, including:

    • Energy equipment and services
    • Midstream infrastructure
    • Natural resource and agricultural
    • Industrial processing and manufacturing
    • Environmental Services

Strong understanding of raw material and commodity markets – willing to underwrite risk in oil and gas, metal, timber, lumber, real estate, among others

Company Stage

  • Look to partner with experienced executives and operators in startup situations with an ambitious growth plan and differentiated approach
  • Large greenfield or brownfield assets that require complex project development expertise
  • For acquisitions, we generally look for positive cash flow of any size and complementary business lines to our existing platforms


  • No set investment time horizons
  • HRG is an active partner, often assisting in executive functions as well as board level oversight, allowing portfolio companies to more effectively leverage our expertise and relationships
  • One of HRG’s cornerstone principles is “Build companies as if you were to own them forever”